

Though less popular than cats or dogs, birds make fantastic pets. These social creatures are both playful and smart—some can even learn to talk! They won’t wake you up for a walk at the crack of dawn, either. Available in a wide variety of sizes and personalities, there’s just something special about caring for a feathered friend. After all, birds are the only pet who can learn tricks, talk to you, and take up just a birdcage-sized amount of space!

Cockatiels are a popular pet among bird owners—and for good reason. They’re known for their unique feathers, affectionate personalities and fairly low-maintenance needs. Plus, choosing the right size of cage for cockatiel health and happiness makes cockatiel ownership that much simpler. Taking the time to research your cockatiel cage benefits […]

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Welcoming birds into our homes comes with the responsibility of ensuring their safety and happiness. Aviaries offer an ideal way for our winged pals to relish the outdoors while staying protected. This comprehensive guide explores the essentials of building secure and stimulating aviaries without compromising on their well-being. Understanding the […]

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